Cross of Calatrava

A New Member’s First Steps: An Introduction to the SCA for New and Potential Members

Newcomer Presentation on December 13th

Each month of 2022 we plan on repeating a presentation designed for new and potential members that covers a brief introduction to the SCA and an overview of how different people participate. This presentation will be in three parts with a break in between each for questions. The total length of the presentation is just over one hour depending on the number of questions people ask.

The presentation will be offered on Zoom and is open to new members and people interested in learning more about the SCA.  Current and experienced members are welcome but are not the target audience.

The presentation is family friendly and all ages are welcome. The presentations are NOT recorded.

Date December 13th

Start Time 7pm (room opens about 6:30 for questions and sound check)

The Link will be posed in the Facebook event, on the SCAIowa website and send directly to those who ask for it.

Topic: A New Member’s First Steps: An Introduction To The SCA For New And Potential Members

Time: Dec 13, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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